Superconducting Silicon



Contact: Francesca Chiodi

In Silicon as well as in diamond, the introduction of a very high concentration of Boron leads to superconductivity. Given the elevated necessary doping levels, our group was the first one, and is one of the few groups able to master the synthesis of superconducting silicon. The superconducting transition temperature Tc can be adjusted by the boron concentration to reach a value as high as 0.9 K. Superconductivity appears when the concentration crosses a threshold corresponding to strain relaxation, and then increases nearly linearly with the concentration.





  • Francesca Chiodi
  • Dominique Débarre
  • Géraldine Hallais


  • CEA Grenoble (Grenoble Quantum Silicon)
  • Institut Néel (Magnetisme et Supraconductivité, Semiconducteurs à large bande interdite)
  • Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon


  • Programme d'Alembert (2022)
  • QuantERA SIQUOS (2021)
  • SIRTEQ (2020)
  • ANR JCJC SUPERR (2016)
  • Labex Nanosaclay SIRE (2016)
  • Triangle de la Physique 'DownTo40' (2014)
  • ANR SuSi (2008)